Jacques Daudin
of Union island, for tremendous hospitality during our stay in the Grenadines; for sending much material from Union Is. and for acting as the driving force of this work.
Philmore Isaacs Esq. (then Chief Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture of St. Vincent and the Grenadines) for issuing of collecting and export permit and for his kind encouragement.
Steve Gamble (then of Mustique) for specimens from that island.
Dr. Earle Kirby of the St. Vincent Museum, for encouragement and general help.

Kate and Malcolm McGregor for general support and help.
Dr. David Stradling (retired Senior Lecturer, Exeter University) for access to the Exeter University Grenadines Expedition collection and for general help and encouragement.
Bernard Lalanne-Cassou and Jeanne Le Duchat d'Aubigny Paris, for help with many Noctuid identifications and for general support and help.
Dr. Paul Thiacourt, Paris, for identification of Notodontids.
M. Claude Herbulot, Paris, for identifications of Geometrids.
Dr. Frederick Rindge, American Museum of Natural History, for many identifications of Geometridae.
Dr. Eugene Munroe, Ottawa, for many identifications of Pyralidae
Dr. John Rawlins, Carnegie Museum, for confirmation of some identifications and general encouragement.
Stella Brecknell, Hope Librarian, Oxford University, for help finding references.

And last - but definitely not least - the members of the Exeter University Grenadines Expedition 1984/85 for having the 'get up and go' to get up and go!