Syntomeida melanthus

Distribution: Central and South America; Antilles.
Type Locality: Surinam (?)
E. Caribbean records: Guadeloupe; Dominica; St. Lucia.
Grenadines records: Bequia (E.U. Exp., No.not given).
Method of identification: illustrated in black and white by Hampson (1898b) p. 306, text fig. 138. Adult & Genitalia illustrated in colour on website on French Antilles Lepidoptera by Zagatti, Lalanne-Cassou & Le Duchat d'Aubigny.
Notes: this species is listed in the report of the Exeter University Expedition (as Syntomeida albifasciata), but it is not present in their collection. I therefore have to take this identification on trust. The illustrated specimen is from Dominica. Form albifasciata has whitish bands on the abdomen.