Utetheisa ornatrix

Distribution: USA and Bahamas (form bella); Jamaica, Cuba and Dominican Republic (form venusta); Puerto Rico, Haiti and St.Thomas (form stretchii); Lesser Antilles (form ornatrix), and throughout central and tropical South America with a large degree of overlap between these forms.
Type Locality: North America.
Synonyms: Deiopeia stretchii Butler 1877; Deiopeia pura Butler 1877; Utetheisa daphoena Dyar 1914; Utetheisa butleri Dyar 1914 and many others.
Source of record: Gowdey collection, I.O.J..
Method of identification: illustrated in colour by Kimball (1965) pl. 3, fig. 45.
Notes: The forms of U. ornatrix are discussed by Pease (1972).