Matthew Barnes in Belize

Matthew J. C. Barnes was born in 1959 and has degrees in zoology, entomology and tropical agriculture from Oxford, London and Reading Universities. He has studied moths for most of his life and has collected throughout Europe; southern, central and eastern Africa; the Indian Ocean islands and the Far East. Apart from Jamaica, he has also collected In the New World tropics in Central and South America and throughout the Eastern Caribbean.

Although his daytime job is tutoring in biology in Oxford, U.K., his first love is tropical entomology, wildlife and conservation. With this in mind he is constructing a small hotel and field studies centre at Maya Beach, near Placencia, in Belize, Central America, to which - money permitting - he hopes to decamp permanently at some stage in the near future.

Most insects are in the tropics and most entomologists are in the temperate zone - by moving to Belize he hopes to do his bit to rectify this imbalance.