Ufa rubedinella

Distribution: tropical and subtropical America.
Type locality: Brazil.
Synonyms: Acrobasis translucida Walker 1863; Nephopteryx rufescentalis Walker 1863; Nephopteryx minualis Walker 1863; Nephopteryx deprivalis Walker 1863; Ufa venezuelensis Walker 1863; Elasmopalpus pyrrhochrellus Ragonot 1893.
Source of record: Heinrich (1956) p. 171.
Method of identification: genitalia illustrated by Heinrich (1956) figs. 416, 902. Adult illustrated in black and white (as ' Elasmopalpus rubedinellus') in Amsel (1956) pl. 70, figs. 3 & 4. Adult illustrated in colour by Kimball (1965) pl. 6, fig. 40.