Scaptius submarginalis(?)

DISTRIBUTION: central and south America.
METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION: by comparison with specimens in my collection from Belize identified as this species by Pat Haynes.
NOTES: this identification is far from certain - Watson & Goodger (1986) list 8 species in this genus of which this specimen from Nicaragua could be any of the following (or indeed an undescribed species):

A. Male Holotypes:
1. S. sordida Rothschild 1909 (TL Peru, illustrated in colour by Rothschild (1909) Novitates Zoologicae 16 pl. 4, fig. 18).
2.S. submarginalis Rothschild 1909 (TL Brazil, illustrated in colour by Rothschild (1909) Novitates Zoologicae 16 pl. 4, fig. 16).
3. S. sanguistrigata Dognin 1910 (TL French Guyana, illustrated in black and white by Watson (1971) pl. 2, fig. b).

B. Female Holotypes (appear completely different to above, but may be unmatched females):
1. S. obscurata Schaus 1920 (TL Guatemala, illustrated in black and white by Watson (1971) pl. 15, fig. e).
2. S. chrysopera Schaus 1905 (TL French Guyana, illustrated in black and white by Watson (1971) pl. 15, fig. f).
3. S. ignivena Joicey and Talbot 1918 (TL Peru, illustrated in colour by Joicey and Talbot Proc. Zoo. Soc. 1917, pl. 1, fig. 7).

My specimen from Nicaragua does not seem to be anything like 'S. ditissimus' Walker 1855 (female Type from Brazil) which is illustrated in colour by Druce (1884) pl. 74, fig. 2. The description of S. chrysoperina Gaede (1928) in Entomologische Rundschau 45; 28 (TL Panama) does not seem to be illustrated so I cannot make a comparison.