19(e). Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae


The Noctuidae are the largest family of moths worldwide, with over 21,000 species described. They vary in size from ten millimetres in wingspan to 20 centimetres or more, although with only a few exceptions they are dull moths with grey, brown or black wings and few obvious markings. Two marks on the forewing - one circular and one kidney-shaped - are often diagnostic. Many noctuids have larvae which are serious agricultural pests.

The family is divided up into numerous subfamilies whose characteristics are at present poorly defined. The major work by Poole (1989) catalogues all of the world's known species of Noctuidae: I follow his nomenclature. I only catalogue here 115 of the commonest, most colourful, most easily identified or most economically important Noctuid species in my collection from Belize: over 100 further species of this family from Belize await identification in my collection to date. I am grateful to M. Bernard Lalanne-Cassou of INRA, Paris, for his help with identification of many of my Noctuids, where noted. (the large number of remaining mistakes are mine and not his!)

The subfamily AMPHIPYRINAE is a 'dustbin group' containing many unrelated species of Trifinae (Noctuids with a weak or non-existent hindwing vein M2) which do not fit into any other Noctuid subfamily. There is therefore no one characteristic which unifies them and separates them from other Noctuid subfamilies. As more 'natural' classifications are developed this 'subfamily' will undoubtedly be split into several smaller groups.

I have taken large numbers of this large subfamily in Belize to date, but have only obtained identificatiions or partial identifications for 24 species, as listed below. Please click on any underlined species name to go to a colour illustration of the adult (and sometimes its genitalia) and brief information on the species.

The genus Condica

  • Condica cupentia Cramer 1780
  • Condica mobilis Walker 1856
  • Condica circuita Guenee 1852
  • Condica imitata Druce 1891
  • Condica mimica Hampson 1908
  • Condica sutor Guenee 1852
  • Condica sp. indet. 1
  • Condica sp. indet. 2
  • Condica sp. indet. 3

    The genus Hampsonodes
  • Hampsonodes mastoides Hampson 1910

    The genus Calymniodes
  • Calymniodes conchylis Guenee 1852

    The genus Elaphria
  • Elaphria agrotina (?) Guenee 1852
  • Elaphria deltoides Moschler 1880
  • Elaphria sp. nr. rubripicta Hampson 1909
  • Elaphria sp. nr. subobliqua Walker 1858
  • Elaphria sp. nr. devara Druce 1898

    The genus Bryolymnia
  • Bryolymnia forreri Druce 1886

    The genus Spodoptera
  • Spodoptera dolichosFabricius 1794
  • Spodoptera latifascia Walker 1856

    The genus Antachara
  • Antachara sp. indet. 1

    The genus Callopistria
  • Callopistria floridensis Guenee 1852

    The genus Gonodes
  • Gonodes liquida Moschler 1886

    The genus Neophaenis
  • Neophaenis sp. indet. 1

    The genus Cropia
  • Cropia aleuca Hampson 1908
  • Cropia carnitincta Hampson 1908
  • Cropia cedica Stoll 1782
  • Cropia isidora Dyar 1910
  • Cropia phila Druce 1889
  • Cropia sp. nov.